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Executive Board

The members of the executive board work together to complete individual roles to keep the organization running smoothly

Matthew Miller | President

Clarissa Garcia | Vice President of Consulting Services

Ruby Bjalme | Vice President of Talent Acquisition

Luciana Lavarreda | Vice President of Learning and Development

Ashton Murray |
Vice President of Organizational Engagement 

Sophia Winnick | Vice President of Corporate Relations

Charles Wang |
Vice President of Finance and Administration

Saaniya Karpe | Vice President of Outreach


There are three different strategic business units within NLCG's consulting services, each of which is headed by a director. Directors work to ensure engagement teams stay on track with their projects and deliver top-quality work to the clients. 

Dylan Davis |
SBU Blue Director

Abdullah Jaouni | SBU Black Director

Joe Pagano |
SBU White Director

Engagement Managers

There are nine different engagements, each of which is led by an engagement manager. The EM helps guide newer associates in navigating the project and serves as the main point of contact between teams and their clients. 

Rohan Gupta

Jayant Gupta

Andrew Keddie

    Tim Fiedler

     Alex Hooper

Cole Brady

Connor Imbro

       Sophie Bang

Thilak Sankar

Senior Associates

Senior associates are students who have already completed at least one prior engagement in NLCG. They serve as mentors towards newer associates and provide experienced insights to help enhance deliverables. 

Drew Lauer Headshot.jpeg

      Drew Lauer

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Cassandra Pantelis

Will Bonowitz Headshot.jpeg

  Will Bonowitz

Josh Ponzio Headshot.jpeg

     Josh Ponzio

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Trevor Molloy

Jamison Scelza Headshot.jpeg

Jamison Scelza

Jackson Mopsick Headshot.jpeg

Jackson Mopsick

Arushi Singh Headshot.jpeg

      Arushi Singh

Travis Bitar Headshot.jpeg

   Travis Bitar


Associates are students partaking in their first engagement in NLCG. They work to gain the fundamental skills of working with clients and provide diverse perspectives on their teams.

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Rachel Warren

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Alexis Wagner


Olivia McMinn

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   Rishita Kadre

Vadodaria, Raj.jpg

Raj Vadodaria

Josiah Herman.jpg

Josiah Herman

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Joseph Kopec


Aryan Garg


      Leona Chen

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Harshi Chinnam

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    Ava Bartnik

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Lucy Klein

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Matteo Bovalino

Will McCormack Headshot 2.jpg

Will McCormack

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Josh Krieger

Chen, Claire 2.jpg

Claire Chen

Seth, Pragya 2.jpg

      Pragya Seth


Christopher Sostak

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    Alison Tawil

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Lauren McKean

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Jemma Klein


Sarah Mesler

Tenured Members

Tenured members have held various roles in NLCG for three semesters or more. They help mentor current members. 

Jack McCormack

Caleb Shuman

Faith Ann Finch

Leigh Stern

Cole Apeldorn

Colton Shiry

Lauren Roberts

Tanviin Saini

Matthew Corr

Isabella Fernandes

Leah Hayes

Adrian Michael

Jaiden Asch

Grace Hubbard

Mariana Seiffer

Christina Sang

Badr Khawaji

Lauren Tannenbaum

Justin Heckler

Mason Lang

McKenna Schrenk

Jessica Krieger

Hunter Badamo

Gabriel Gamboa

Khushi Tripathy

John Papadopoulos

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